Prayer Books, Set of 10


The Perfect Prayer

Looking for just the right prayer for you or a loved one? Complete book set provides reminders of God’s promises to guide you on your journey each day. 32 page soft cover books are 5¼ ” x 7¾ ”.
  • The daily prayer set includes: Morning Prayers, Evening Prayers, Prayers of Gratitude, Prayers for Strength, Prayers for Healing, Prayers of Peace, Prayers of Forgiveness, Prayers of Grace, Prayers of Comfort and Prayers from the Psalms
  • Enhancing your daily spiritual walk and perfect when you're looking for just the right prayer for yourself or a word of encouragement for a loved one, each prayer book features reminders of God's promises to guide you on your faith journey each day
  • A thoughtful gift for any occasion, the set includes 10 softcover books
  • Each, 32 pages
  • 5 1/4" x 7 3/4"
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