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FREE SHIPPING + A Free Gift on Any Order Over $49!
A message to our valued customers,
We wanted to take a moment and reach out to our valued customers and tell you that we are here for you during this trying time. Our company is open, shipping orders every day, while taking all necessary precautions to keep our staff safe.
At Dream Products we continue to strive to bring you Unique Items At Affordable Prices, and to offer items that can help you through this difficult time. Please check out our Health & Beauty and Therapeutic Relief categories to find many items you may need, but cannot go to a store right now to purchase. We can ship them directly to you and offer you Free Shipping and Handling as well.
The entire Dream Products family would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to all of you and wish good health for you and your families. We hope that the goods and services we provide will give you a little relief knowing you can still receive them through the mail. Our low prices and free shipping and handling are small ways for us to show you how important you are to us.
Thank you to all the first responders, and people on the front lines, working to keep our lives as safe and normal as possible.
We will continue to provide our valued customers with the best service possible, a wide array of needed products, and our commitment to be there for them during this difficult time, and always! Ordering from home is still as easy as ever on If you have any questions, please contact us at
Please understand many deliveries are delayed through all delivery services due to Covid-19. We appreciate your patience during this time. Please know we are doing everything we can to ship as quickly as possible, but the delivery time may be out of our control. Please expect possible delays up to two weeks.
Thank you for being a part of the Dream Products’ family. Please Stay At Home & Stay Safe!
Thank You,
Linda Denninger
Vice President/General Manager
Dream Products
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